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Gap Insurance: Win-Win Situation

Greg Goebel - GAP, is relatively inexpensive coverage that still yields significant dealer profits,...

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The Future Is Now!

Greg Goebel - Three things remain important ... Time, the outbound call, and the ability to work the deal with “typical” Special Finance processes...

Focused On The Phone!

Greg Goebel - The phone call is the way that three out of four sub-prime sales begin...

Chewing Gum And The Special Finance Department

Greg Goebel - Then again, which is worse? To pay to train someone and have them leave, or to not train someone and have them stay?...

Achieving Greatness

Greg Goebel - Do the people that you have genuinely enjoy coming to work everyday? Do they enjoy the rest of the team?...

Back To The Basics: The Eight Elements Of Success

Greg Goebel - If your department possesses these elements, it will most likely always excel...

The Simple Secrets To A Banner New Year

Greg Goebel - Regardless of the market, dealers that stay focused on their business by proactively planning, rather than...

Two Axioms Serve As Special Finance Department Foundation

Greg Goebel - They see a desirable vehicle, at a monthly payment they know they can afford, which leads them to you...

Now, More Than Ever, It Pays To Be On The Money

Greg Goebel - That means to achieve the benchmark SF front end gross profit, you cannot own the vehicle for more than $11,400...

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Innovative Software - "Win-Win-Win" Scenario

Tailored software packages have been developed to create a “win-win-win” purchasing scenario for dealerships,

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